In order to raise funds to cover increased insurance costs for MCI,  I’m running the 2nd “Touring National Rally”.

This is a non-competitive “shot-gun start scatter rally” open to all motorcycles over the weekend of the 23rd and 24th of Aug 2025.

To keep up-to-date please Join the FACEBOOK group ! HERE…. If you don’t “DO” FaceBook then email me at and I’ll add you to a WhatsApp group.

Costs: The 2 Day Event fee is €50 payable through Revolut: HERE 

Followed by the registration page: HERE  “CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER” !

You’ll need MCI affiliated Club Membership (around €20) to get your TPP. (SEE bottom of page for links to clubs)

The permit from MCI requires all participants to have a “TOURING” Participation Pass (TPP) €30  you can click:  HERE

**When Registration is open I will post a link here and notify everyone on the FaceBook group.

If you get to 12 checkpoints over the 2 days you get a fantastic “Touring National Rally” Tee Shirt and a few stickers for your topbox/toolchest.

Riders may start at any of the designated 32 checkpoints, can do any 12 of the 32 Checkpoints, in any order and on any route they choose…..

Riders must retain a till receipt from any 12 of the 32 Service Station checkpoints for anything from Fuel to a Cuppa.

Once participants have 12 receipts it’s job done, just take a photo of them, your Participation Pass and email it to:

You will then receive your amazing “Touring National Rally” Tee-shirt and 3 Stickers posted to the address used at registration.

All checkpoints will be open both days and will be able to provide tea or coffee to participating riders

The Rally checkpoints will be sent out to all of you who’ve registered  for GPX  Viewer or Garmin devices


If you want to use GOOGLE MAPS ….so you can plan your route for day one and book your accommodation.


The great thing about this event is that it is a “shotgun start”, which means that you can take a short ride to your nearest checkpoint, complete the event and finish the next day in the same place you started.

Your route “could” loop out on day one and return you home and a different loop on day two, no overnight costs as you’d return home on Saturday night.…. entirely your choice which 12 of the 32 Checkpoints you create your route from.


If you’re struggling with the registration process this might help (Step one has 2 options, TORC or IMCC):
Step 1 CLUB MEMBERSHIP. If you already have Club membership go to step 2, if you’re not already a club member then you could do worse than the IMCC for €20 or TORC for €30…either one will do ya. (see below):

Option (1)   TORC Offroad Motorcycle Club… €30 :    ONLINE MEMBERSHIP FORM: HERE

—————————-   OR—————————-

Option (2)    IMCC (Irish MotorCycle Club) Membership application details below:  Click to download: CLUB MEMBERSHIP FORM

Complete and return the form with a typed signature (link below) by email, (again referencing Touring NationalRally) to:

IMCC: Pay €20 to Micheal Whyte referencing: Touring National Rally by either Revolut: @micheaw5d6 or Credit Transfer to: IBAN: IE49AIBK93323676591013


Step 2 PARTICIPATION PASS. Go to MCI Forms website page: and choose either “Non-Competition Touring, Veteran and Vintage Participant Pass” for the Touring National Rally type of event or “Non-Competition Off-Road Participant Pass” for events which require this Pass….
Step 3 Event Registration. The 2 Day Event fee is €50 payable through Revolut @irishmcc or Credit Transfer (EVENT) IBAN: IE71 REVO 9903 6086 8752 77   BIC: REVOIE23
making reference to your name and the word EVENT. Finally, you will need
fill out the form (CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER). You will receive confirmation of successful registration.